In May of 2011 I was able to run my first Pay It Forward Scrum Training at the University of Bern in Switzerland. I had blogged about this event here: The 1000 Students Challenge
Last week-end I had the second run at the University of Applied Sciences (FHNW) in Brugg Switzerland. 29 students volunteered their week-ends to learn about Scrum by attending the Professional Scrum Foundations Training or short PSF. It was great fun for them and myself and it is good to know that 29 future IT specialists will join the workforce pre-equipped with Agile and Scrum.
A big thanks to the FHNW for being supportive and to Prof. Martin Kropp for organizing.
My mission is to train 1000 students in Scrum - 938 more to go ...
PS If you are interested in hosting such an event at your institution please contact me at
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